Facts and beliefs about TTD

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There are so many things being talked about Lord Balaji and TTD. Some of them are right some of them are just beliefs.

There is a belief that Lord Balaji comes out during night and plays dice with Hathiram baba.

Tirupati Laddu, which is offered as Naivedhyam to Venkateswara and as prasad to devotees after worshipping at the temple, have got GI (Geographical Indication) tag.

The Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD), board that manages the temple at Tirupati, had asked for the GI tag under the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999, in a bid to curb sale of fake laddus by hawkers.

Facts and beliefs about TTD

`Ananda Nilayam’ is the sacred tower above the sanctum sanctorum of Lord Venkateswara of the Tirumala Devasthanam. The darshan of the gold-plated three-storey gopuram is considered as divine as Lord Venkateswara himself.

Years ago, the pilgrims who could not worship at the temple used to satisfy themselves with the darshan of the Ananda Nilaya Gopuram and vimana venkateshwara.

A stick can be seen at the right side of the entrance of the main door. This stick was used by Ananthaalvar to hit Venkateswara Swamy is present. Once Lord Venkateswara Swamy got hit on the chin, which oozed blood. Since then, the practice of applying sandalwood paste on Swamy’s chin became a practice.

Facts and beliefs about TTD

Lord Balaji’s idol wears a huge white mark on his forehead called a Namam which covers his eyes.

It is believed that the main idol of Lord Venkateswara Swamy has real hair. But Ramana Deekhshitulu the main priest of the TTD clarified that this not true.

Also, tonsuring and offering hair by pilgrims is one of the most popular vows at the Tirumala hill shrine. The ‘Tirupati’ brand of hair, the shining charcoal black long strides of hair, are sold as hot cakes in the fashion markets of Paris and London.

The human hair offered to Lord Venkateswara by millions of men and women in 2015 and and e-auctioned by TTD had earned a whopping Rs 810 crore in view of spiraling international prices in the fashion world, reports tirumala.org.

It is said that the back of Swamy is always wet, no matter how many times it is dried. There is also belief that water flows from underneath the Temple and that the main temple and other structures are on the river that is flowing beneath. The Temple is on a stone bed it is believed.

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