Expect the unexpected

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The public mood is tough to read for the 2024 Election outcome in AP and while the NDA will get a majority, one can expect the unexpected. This was what a group of experts and journalists have analysed waiting for the results on June 4.

There will be tough fight, some even in the TDP bastions of the state, but the ruling party will gain from non-NDA areas, including some dalit areas the experts said.

Both Chandrababu and also Jagamohan Reddy are making arrangements for the swearing in ceremony. Never before this kind of things took place in the History after the elections and before the results.

As for the 150-seat target, it could represent an “aspiration” to motivate people, ventured one of the TV experts.

The 2024 election has bucked the trend of the last 10 years, because of an absence of any pro-government wave but there is public anger against the incumbent, the experts agreed.

What has hit the State instead is a sense of discontent one that the Opposition has succeeded to capitalise on.

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