Exemption on plastic ban for Ganesh Chaturthi?

ganesh chaturthi
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Even before the plastic Ban implementation is in place the Mumbai Ganesh Mandali which manages the pandals across the city for 10 day has sought the exemption on the plastic ban. The organisers opined that the plastic will be in fact used in various forms for the 10 days of pooja here in the city.

The Ganesh Chaturthi is likely on September 13 and it will be there for 10 days. Covers for Lord Ganesha come in plastic. Disposable glasses, plates and other things come in plastic. Prasad is given in plastic cups, water is given in plastic glasses so on and so forth. If the plastic ban is implemented then it would be very difficult for the organisers to get an immediate alternative to replace the regular items.

A request from the Ganesh pandal organisers has already reached the authorities and the Government will be forced to think about this. Shiv Sena will also involve in the Ganesh celebrations and tycoons like Ambanis come to the Lal Bagh Raja. It has to be seen if the government would relax the norms for those 10 days.

 Ganesh Chaturthi

The Telangana Government is also thinking in the same lines as others to implement the plastic ban. Minister for Municipal administration KT Rama Rao is strategising as to how they would implement the plastic ban in Telangana and especially in Hyderabad city.

But one thing is for sure, that the government has taken a right decision in banning the plastic to save the environment. But it relaxes again, some others would also seek the exemption in the name of some other festivals.

Now it goes on. The Government must think in terms of continuing the ban saying that even Ganesha will not like the plastic and the pollution of the environment.

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