Minister for Finance Etela Rajender, today presented the Telangana states last full-fledged budget with an outlay of Rs 174453 crores.
This is about 30 percent more than the last year.
Taking the election year into account liberal allocations have been made to the priority sectors welfare taking the major chunk.
This being an election year, liberal allocations is expected to large BC SC and STs apart from Minorities have been given the top priority.
The main focus is on the farmers and their welfare. Allocations for farmers subsidies input money and also round the clock power. Insurance coverage to the farmers is another area.
Earlier the outlay was 1.49 lakh crore and this budget is about 30 percent higher than the last year. The fine figures have to calculated.
Overall it can be termed as a welfare budget and does not burden the people of Telangana.