Director Vinod Chopra explained how, with his first film ‘Khamosh’ made with the financial assistance from NFDC, he faced challenges to market the movie and repay NFDC. As per NFDC policy, if he failed to do so, there would be no assistance for the next venture. Eminent directors, distributors praised the film, but again the phone did not ring with the good news. Finally, he himself had to be the distributor of the film.
Taking que from these stories, Shri Moitra fondly recollected: “During ‘Parineeta’ there was doubt with the possibility of the music getting popular, especially considering the then existing trends in the industry. But Vidhu being himself who never received the letter, or got that call, signed me for next three VCF ventures; even before the success or failure; and that’s what defines Vidhu Vinod Chopra.”
Shri Moitra also highlighted how tough a taskmaster Shri Chopra is.While characterising Shri Chopra for the audience, he commented,‘Vinod doesn’t know where he wants to go – but he certainly knows where he doesn’t want to stand’. Shri Moitra did not miss the chance to point out, on a lighter note, how this trait makes his life and that of others who are working with Shri Chopra, miserable.
On the topic whether understanding business prospective is essential for budding filmmakers or not, Shri Chopra firmly stated his disapproval. “I only make a film that I am believing in” and he concluded by saying “Entertain-Educate-Elevate: The Principle of 3E’s we follow in VCF.”
On his relations with the film director when he himself produces the film, Mr. Chopra said, ”I don’t trust a director, I trust a human being.”
The session witnessed the jovial, musical and engaging Vidhu Vinod Chopra and Shantanu Moitra together setting a live demonstration of the life philosophy which is also depicted through their cinema: “Don’t be a bore; Only entertain.”