Eat raw tomatoes

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Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that reduces inflammation and protects against certain diseases. Fresh in salads, or cooked to increase lycopene availability. Enjoy as a base for sauces or soups.

In foreign countries, some people say that Tomatoes are fruits. You can eat them raw and are ver good for health especially gut health.

Ginger contains gingerol, which inhibits the production of pro-inflammatory compounds. Fresh ginger can be added to smoothies, teas, stir-fries, or grated into dressings. Ground ginger works well in baked goods or spice blends.

Ginger tea or Ginger with lime water is very good for health.

Garlic contains sulphur compounds, such as allicin, which reduce the production of inflammatory substances. Freshly minced or chopped in cooking, added to dressings, or roasted and spread on whole-grain bread.

Eat small pieces of Garlic on a daily basis and it is good for the heart.

Green tea is also good in many ways. But it should be taken not more than two times on a daily basis.

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