Dwajarohanam today at TTD

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After Ankunrarpanam, the TTD will be doing the Dwajarohanam that is hoisting the flag marking the celebrations called Brahmotsavams. They are celebrated for nine days.

The Garuda flag of Sri Venkateswara is hoisted in the evening after the procession of the utsava murthis on a gold Tiruchi. This signifies the invitation by the ardent devotee and noble servant of Srivaru, the Garuda, to the deities of all worlds present in Hindu Sanatana Dharma, to take part in the nine-day festival and make it a humongous success.

Pedda Shesha Vahanam

The first Vahanam of the Festival is the seven hooded mighty divine serpent Pedda Sesha Vahanam, where in Sri Malayappa Swamy with Sridevi and Bhudevi takes a celestial ride along the four Mada streets. The Pedda shesha vahanam is symbolic of Dhyana Bhakti.

The Lord is taken on the Pallaki in all the mada veedhis with vedic hymns and traditional music. Some cultural programs are also performed enroute.

Yesterday the initial ritual of Ankurarpanam was observed in the evening. The Navadhanyas are sown in different mud pots invoking the blessings of Moon God

The level of sprouting of the grains becomes the benchmark of hurdle-free and successful conduction of the annual Brahmotsavams.

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