Dont heat these foods for 2nd time

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Foods that we consume may not be as safe after being reheated as they tend to lose their nutritional value. Yes, you heard it right. Never ever reheat high-protein foods.”

If you have spinach or any green leafy vegetables, carrot,turnip or even celery, avoid reheating them in the microwave. These nitrate rich vegetables when heated again can turn toxic, releasing carcinogenic properties, which are generally cancerous in nature. Spinach contains high amount of iron, hence heating and reheating spinach may oxidize the iron present in spinach. Oxidation of iron generates dangerous free radicals which are known to cause many diseases including infertility and cancer.

Dont heat these foods for 2nd time

Rice comes under this category too. According to Foods Standards Agency (FSA), you could suffer from food poisoning by eating reheated rice. This is due to the presence of highly resistant bacteria called Bacillus Cereus. Heat kills these bacteria, but it can produce spores that are toxic in nature. Once rice is reheated and is left out at room temperature, any spores it contains can multiply, further causing food poisoning on consumption.

Eggs are a rich source of protein, however, cooked egg or boiled egg can cause serious harm when exposed to heat again and again. Once you have cooked eggs, eat them immediately but if it is kept for a longer period, don’t reheat, rather just eat cold because high protein food contains lot of nitrogen. This nitrogen may get oxidised due to reheating, further causing cancer.

You would know, piping hot chicken does taste so delectable, however, if you are saving the curry for the next day, do remember to not heat it again and again. The protein composition in this staple completely changes when it is taken out of the refrigerator to heat. This can cause problems in the digestive system. Make sure you are not heating it on high temperature.

Dont heat these foods for 2nd time

Alu or poatatoes being a staple are the best and easiest to store, reheat and consume. Unfortunately, you would need to think again. Potatoes are a rich source of vitamin B6, potassium and Vitamin c however, if they are reheated again and again, chances are they might produce Clostridium Botulinum (bacteria causing Botulism). Even if you leave the cooked potatoes out in room temperature, the production of bacteria will only increase. So if you want to avoid the growth of bacteria, best is to keep them refrigerated or throw them away if not being consumed within 1-2 days.

It is recommended to eat mushrooms soon they are prepared. Ideally, they shouldn’t be stored to consume next day as it is a powerhouse of proteins and have generous amounts of minerals and by reheating them, you are breaking these proteins further, causing havoc in your digestive system. Hence heating them will generate toxins which contains oxidized nitrogen and free radicals. Even if you are keen on storing mushrooms for the next day, make sure you eat them cold.

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