Dont get lured by discounts

Dont get lured by discounts
Dont get lured by discounts
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The system of online shopping is luring customers in the name of discounts. Flipkart, Amazon and other means of buying by just swiping your card and expecting the cash back. But one must try to hold back and think, if we really need that article or just we are taking it as it is on discount? Need based buying is important rather than getting lured by discounts.

This is what experience teaches the buyers. This is how we were before the advent of rampant consumerism. We saved and spent. Rather than borrow and splurge. Sometimes, the right thing to do is to be indifferent to glossy advertisements.


There are also a few trade secrets that women seem to adhere to.If you are genuinely interested in the product, act indifferent. That’s when you are able to buy your way into the deal.If you show interest in the product and say that you like it then the price will not come down. The seller will observe you when you like the product and he is bound to rise the price there is no doubt about it. First bargain on the product that you dont line and then talk about the thing that you want to take.


If you stand in awe before the storekeeper, there’s no way on earth you’d be able to bring the price down. Because both – you as a customer and the storekeeper – would expect the other to budge. But in your case, since you sound so excited, the chance of you giving in to your inherent weakness is higher.

Your first line of defence to this would be? In online deals, there is no human to see your reaction? Yes. That holds. But cookies are at work as well. Your browsing history gives a fair amount of detail for an e-commerce service to gauge your interest.


Did you know, when you browse through websites to book a flight ticket, the prices increase based on your persistent searches? Such are learnings that are used to extract a higher price from consumers.

So think thrice before you buy a product.

u. srinivas

U. Srinivas

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