Prime Minister Narendra Modi today suggested the parents should not force their children to fulfil their earlier dreams. He was speaking to the students at the Talkatora stadium in the name of pariksha pe chercha . Modi was talking to the students in an interactive session keeping the SSC and Inter exams in mind.
Modi suggested that the parents should not use the children to fulfil their unfulfilled dreams. Every child has his own set of skill and the parents should encourage them he said. Answering a question posed by a mother Modi opined that technology is not bad and that technology should be used for expansion of mind and innovation of things. He said that exams are important but one should not be stressed because of the exams.
Modi explained that time management is the key factor and that time will not come back. Making best use of the time is very important. If we have 10 things to do, we must be able to mark the first 6 which are of immediate priority. Positive thinking is also very essential he said. 675 students from 24 states participate in the interactive sessions and some of them with the parents.
Along with Modi, the students were also very enthusiastic in asking questions.