Dont encourage the Taliban Governance

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People were bothered about water in many areas said KCR. He was speaking at Mahabubabad after starting the collector integrated complex here along with Chief Secretary Shanti Kumari.

Because of the statehood to Telangana, we could do many welfare measures for the districts he said. He complimented the people, and the lawmakers of the area for the development achieved.

Mahabubabad was a backward area and now it has developed to a greater extent he stated. We will start a Government Engineering college here announced KCR.

Girajans now are ruling the panchayats as Sarpanches he said. He allocated ten lakhs to all the Gram panchayats each. He also declared 50 crore to Mahabuba bad and 25 crore each to the Municipalities here.

Power and water are abundant here. The central government is not up to the development the state of Telangana has achieved he pointed out. The center is not doing proper governance he complained and the Telangana has lost huge funds he stated.

The GSDP is lagging behind because of the lopsided methods of the center he pointed out. There are water wars in many states he explained. There is a water problem even in Delhi he explained. We have water and power but it is not given to the public he explained.

Dont support the people who are doing like the Taliban and Afghanistan in the name of case creed and religion. Create awareness among the public he suggested to the youth.

The center must also be ruled by a right Government and the country will develop he stated. He paid rich tributes to N Ramachandra REddy and PV Narsimha Rao.

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