Disha case on a fast track!

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Many of them want the rapists of Disha to burnt or shot dead. Some others want the case to be dealt on the fast track.

Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao has instructed the officials that the accused of Disha ghastly murder should be inquired on a fast track and the culprits should be given stringent punishment.

The CM also decided to set up a fast track court to deal with the case.

The CM has asked the officials concerned to take measures on the issue. In the minor girl murder case in Warangal, due to setting up of the fast track court, the verdict came after 56 days trail.

The CM felt that in Disha case too, the verdict should come quickly. The CM announced that the government would extend all the necessary help and support to members of Disha family.

Earlier, the CM described the incident as ghastly and expressed his deep anguish. He was upset that the perpetrators of such heinous crimes are living amidst us. He said Disha murder was a gruesome and an inhuman act.

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