Diet plan for diabetes

Diet plan for diabetes
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What is take for diet with diabetes is a big question.

Your body is better able to regulate blood sugar levels-and your weight-when you maintain a regular meal schedule. Aim for moderate and consistent portion sizes for each meal.

Do not starve yourself or remain hungry, as this will encourage you to overeat when you do eat. This diet tip for diabetes will prevent hypoglycemia, the risky condition where sugar level in the blood falls below the normal range.

Diet plan for diabetes

Alcoholic drinks have no nutritional value, but contain a lot of calories.Plain water is always good, but water infused with fruits and vegetables is more interesting.

Cut up a lemon or cucumber and put it in your water, or make ice cubes with some flavoring in them. If you’re not a hot tea drinker, try cold tea with lemon or a cinnamon stick.

High fiber vegetables such as peas, beans, broccoli and spinach /leafy vegetables should be included in one’s diet. Also, pulses with husk and sprouts are a healthy option and should be part of the diet.

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