Diabs can have dates..

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A diabetic is allowed to get up to ten percent of total calories in his diet from sugar on a regular basis. Having 3 dates and also consuming other sugary delights from the supermarket will definitely shoot up the blood sugar levels. If you are careful in your eating choices and your daily routine also includes a 30-min scheduled exercise then a couple of dates when the craving for sugar comes up may not be bad after all.

Diabs can have dates..

The nutrients present in dates are easily digestible. Every date palm consists of dietary fiber, iron, potassium, vitamin B, B6, A and K, tannins, copper, magnesium, manganese, niacin, pantothenic acid, riboflavin. All of them help in improving your body’s metabolism.

It helps to reduce blood pressure and inflammation. Also, consumption of insoluble fiber helps to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

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