Former Prime Minister the JDS leader Deve Gowda met the Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao at the Pragaathhi Bhavan today. He was welcomed by K Taraka Rama Rao the IT minister here. Several Ministers and MPs were also present here on the occasion. It is learnt that they had discussions over the coming elections, early polls and the proposed federal front. It is learnt that Gowda wants Congress in the third front while KCR proposed for a front without Congress and the BJP.
Gowda also reportedly asked about the welfare schemes being implemented and the source of financing for all the schemes. He was impressed with the Rythu Bandhu and also Rythtu Bheema for the farmers and informed about the loan waiver being planned for the farmers in Karnataka. He has also invited both KCR and KTR to Karnataka again. Here Gowda was honoured with a shawl and a memento by the Chief Minister KCR. Some Ministers and MPs also talked to him.