Dental implants in 1 day now

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Bringing out the benefits to patients undergoing dental procedures and expanding dental technology, experts elaborate on how dental treatments can be painless, affordable and long lasting.

Patients no longer have to wait to replace their missing tooth – now the dental implant, post and dental crown can be set in just one visit.

Dental implants in 1 day now

Dental surgery is a difficult, painful process no matter what the procedure, but having a tooth extracted and an implant put in months later can result in major complications,” Dr. Sharma said.The consequences of this go far beyond dental pain and can result in teeth loss.

Stating that great advancements in dental surgery have been made to assist with bone and tissue regeneration, Dr. Sharma said, “When it is time to insert the implant, the extraction site has been stabilised and a graft performed to protect the integrity of the site.”

“With immediate dental implants, you don’t need to live with a gap in your teeth or wear a fake temporary cap while you wait for the dental implant to heal. And with single-visit dental implants becoming more successful, more patients are inquiring about this procedure,” Dr. Sharma added.

If you have a missing tooth, you have many choices for tooth replacement, but dental implants are the most stable and efficient of all the dental prosthetic options.

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