Deepu eats every 2 hours

Deepu eats every 2 hours
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How is that Deepika keeps herself slim and fit. Industry walas said it is with Boxjumps, benchovers, mountain climber, squatjacks helped her in improving the endurance and cardiovascular fitness.

Deepika steers clear of junk and sugary foods as much as she can. She also doesn’t smoke.

Instead of 3 large meals, Deepika has multiple small meals through the day.

Deepu eats every 2 hours

Deepika likes to start her day with a hearty breakfast of 2 egg whites and a glass of low-fat milk. She has grilled fish for lunch to avoid extra fat, with vegetables on the side.

For dinner, Deepika skips rice and has dal-roti-sabzi instead i.e. the ideal Indian balanced diet.

That soft and supple skin is courtesy the flow of essential vitamins and antioxidants she gets from her fill of fresh fruits she is known to eat every two hours.

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