Deepika Padukone is all set to act as Jejamma in Hindi Arundhati. She will be the replacement for Anushka. Arundhati was directed by Kodi Ramakrishna for Mallemala productions in Telugu. It was a super-duper hit and Sonusood is the main villain of the movie.
Shinde acted as the Fakir. The movie is about the divine powers winning over evil power. Jejamma wins with the divine power over Sonu Sood over his evil power. The production manager in Hindi has decided that they would take some of the scenes as it is shot in Telugu and they will mix them in Hindi version. Sonu Sood will do some scenes where it is required with Deepika Padukone.
His lone shots can be mixed and added as it is. This will help reduce the production cost and will not change the quality of the movie. The image of Deepika and her acting ability will sell the movie in Bollywood.
Sixty percent of the movie will be done on a fresh basis in Hindi. The other 40 percent will be taken from the Telugu version and mixed wherever it is possible. Most of the graphics portion will be taken so that the time and production cost can be saved.
Right now Deepika is busy with a movie of Lakshmi Agarwal the acid victim. Here Deepika looks ugly from one side. It is like Jeenat Aman of Satyam Shivam Sundaram. Deepika is also working in the Biopic of Kapil Dev where Ranvir is doing the role of Kapil Dev.
At the same time, another important role that Deepika is doing is the role of Draupadi in the proposed Mahabharata.