High drama prevailed at the Poes Garden residence of late Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa on Sunday morning as her niece Deepa Jayakumar was not allowed inside the palatial bungalow. Deepa, who heads the MGR Amma Deepa Peravai, arrived at the Poes Garden residence off Cathedral Road in Chennai at around 11 am along with her husband Madhavan.
Security personnel posted outside the residence of the late leader prevented her from entering inside the bungalow, which was bought by Jayalalithaa’s mother Sandhya in the late 1960s.
Deepa also said she came to the Poes Garden residence on the invitation of her brother Deepak, who is known to have good equation with members of Sasikala family. And for his part, Deepak said no one can deny entry for Deepa into the Poes Garden.
Meanwhile, crew of newly-launched Republic TV was allegedly attacked by private security guards posted at the residence, prompting journalists to go on dharna.