Data analytics plays a Vital Role

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Tamilisai Soundararajan, the Governor highlighted the crucial role of data analytics and statistics in effective policy-making for the development of the country. Addressing the probationers of the Indian Statistical Service (ISS) 2021 and 2022 batches undergoing training at the Dr. CR Rao Advanced Institute of Statistics, Mathematics,and Computer Science in Hyderabad, she emphasized the need for efficient data analytics and its presentation to facilitate informed policy decisions.

During the interaction, the Governor encouraged the young probationers to utilize alumni data and conduct data analysis pertaining to alumni from various universities in the state. She expressed that this data could be used to inspire alumni to contribute to the current generation of students in their respective alma maters.

Furthermore, Dr. Tamilisai Soundararajan urged the Indian Statistical Service officers to develop a comprehensive database related to the health, nutrition, and socio-economic status of tribal communities. This initiative aims to facilitate effective planning and the implementation of appropriate interventions.

The Governor also emphasized the increasing significance of statistics and data analytics across diverse fields at the global level. She acknowledged the pivotal role played by ISS officers in the defense sector and other vital areas of the country,applauding their contributions to nation's development and stability.

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