CS review on various issues

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Chief Secretary Santhi Kumari directed the District Collectors to effectively implement the action plan formulated as per the directions of the Chief Minister to make 25 thousand Village Organisations comprising women self-help groups into millionaires by providing financial assistance to the tune of Rs one crore to each organisation. CS reviewed Vanamahotsavam,Mahilashakti, Citizen Service Centers, Amma Adarsh Schools, Agriculture related issues, Dharani, Employee Transfers, Housing etc. through video conference with the District Collectors today.

She said that a target of planting 20.02 crore saplings in the current season has been set in the state and as part of this, the Honourable Chief Minister has already started the Vanamahotsavam program in Warangal. She, stated that sufficient plants are available in the state and due to the recent rains, special measures should be taken to plant quality plants as per the targets set district wise. She said that measures should be taken for their survival along with geo tagging of every plant.

The senior officials of the district should adopt measures to plant saplings in such a way that 100 percent of the vacant land is covered in the villages. Plantation sites should be regularly inspected by district officials and field level officials.

During the next five years, an action plan envisaged by the chief minister to make SHG women millionaires by providing financial assistance of one crorerupees to 25 thousand village associations in the state was ordered to be effectively implemented. CS said that a policy decision document will be released soon to include all the women who have not yet joined self-help groups and to achieve the goal of making self-help women millionaires in the next five years. While appreciating the women groups for stitching one set uniforms for school students on time, she asked the collectors to take steps to complete the work of the second set of uniforms as soon as possible. Action should be taken to set up Indira canteens in all the districts . She also wanted that steps should be taken to complete the works of Amma Adarsh schools within a fortnight.

She said that paddy is sown in 50 lakh acres across the state, while last year only 44 lakh acres have been sown. CS clarified that sufficient urea and other fertilizers are available in all mandals and their distribution should be monitored by the District Collectors every day. While farmer conferences are being organized in 9 erstwhile districts of the state, steps should be taken to ensure that the farmers and farmer representatives attend these conferences on a large scale.

She advised to take effective measures to prevent the spread of diseases like diarrhoea, dengue, malaria and chikan gunya in the current monsoon season. In order to prevent these diseases from spreading, people should be sensitized on fogging, anti-larvae operation and household health survey should be conducted. 24/7 help lines and rapid response teams should be set up in all the district centers.

CS directed the District Collectors to pay more attention to the resolution of Dharani complaints. More than 57 thousand applications have been solved in the districts in the last two and a half years. Steps should be taken to solve all the pending application.

Chief Secretary made it clear that the process of employee transfers should be completed by the 20th of this month. She informed that the details of vacancies have been announced department wise and after getting the relevant forms, the process of transfers should be completed transparently as per the government rules and regulations.

As the government decided to set up around 49 integrated residential schools in the state, the district collectors have been directed to immediately acquire at least 20 acres of government land for setting up each school.

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