CS Kumari on wetlands

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Chief Secretary of the Government of Telangana, Shanti Kumari, IAS,has joined the workshop on wetlands and discussed the objectives of the workshop and the need to qualify potential wetlands for inclusion on the Ramsar convention list from Telangana state.

The chief Guest Smt. Leena Nandan, in her address underscored the critical importance of
wetlands and the need for cohesive implementation strategies to enhance wetland conservation.

Ahmad Nadeem provided an overview of the initiatives being undertaken by the Telangana
government for wetland conservation. He highlighted potential water bodies that meet Ramsar Criteria and expressed optimism that Telangana would soon have a Ramsar Site, seeking continued support from MoEF&CC.

Smt. Vani Prasad spoke to the participants about the potential for wetlands ecotourism in
Telangana, detailing the various activities and initiatives undertaken by the Tourism Department at wetlands across the state.

Sri R. M. Dobriyal outlined the state’s plantation programs and their role in the parallel conservation efforts for Telangana’s wetlands.

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