Cow dung online- Gobbemma

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For Sankranthi using the cow dung and creating a small cone and setting it up in front of the house is a tradition. In earlier days people used to sprinkle the portico with cow dung in green colour and set up these cakes of cone shape called as Gobbema in front of the house., sprinkle some flowers and berries on them worship them. That was the tradition.

But now with the apartment culture in vogue, you do not know what to do. The cow dung cakes are available online. You can just order them and you will get the delivery at your house in no time.


You will not get the fresh dung but you will get the dry cakes in cone form or whatever shape you want. You can put it in front of your house or balcony at the apartments then worship the same. It is on like Gobbemma.

These days, food, clothes cow dung, cow urine and everything is on the online service. Just go into the net find out what is that you want and order it. You need not go for shopping all the way. Cow urine is great medicine and is also exported.

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