My slogan became famous but the sentiment behind it could not be spread because things are said in such a hurry in the flow of politics,” began PM Modi, stating that he has wanted to speak about this issue earlier, but he could not.
“When I talk of Congress-free India, it’s not limited to the Congress as an organisation or its particular unit. The culture of the Congress that emerged after Independence has started appealing to other political parties PM stated .
They feel that taking a certain path will prove to be successful. Casteism, dynasty, corruption and exploitation, treachery and keeping complete control over power – all this became a part of Indian political culture whose main pillar was the Congress,” said Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
The Prime Minister stated that it was this culture that had become symbolic with Congress that he wanted to get rid of.
“So when I say Congress-free India it’s not related to election outcomes. I would want that even the Congress party on its own should free itself of the Congress culture.
It would be in the country’s interest that Congress is also freed of the Congress culture,” he said.