The Congress MLAs joined the TRS in Telangana as per Constitution and there was nothing illegal about it, Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao stated in the Assembly. The Assembly was convened specifically to pass the Municipal bill and talking here on the occasion, KCR the chief minister clarified to Congress leader Bhatti Vikramarka that the Congress MLAs joined the BJP in Karnataka and also Goa as per the constitution and that there was nothing new about it.
Speaker Pocharam Srinivas Reddy at this juncture found fault with Bhatti Vikramarka for raising the issue of the MLAs, as the House has assembled to discuss the Municipal bill and not about the MLAs.
But Bhatti tried his level to argue the case and the Speaker refused to give the mike. KCR clarifying to Bhatti said that the people have not given the mandate to the Congress and they reelected the TRS lawmakers in all the elections.
He also gave the example of 4 TDP MPs joining the BJP at the centre. One-third of the MLAs have given the letter for merger and that was absolutely legal the Chief Minister Chandrasekhar Rao stated.
It may be recalled that a dozen MLAs from the Congress joined the TRS in recent times and gave a merger letter to the Speaker at his house.
The Congress is going weak and the base for the Congress is further eroding KCR explained. This is happening in all the states he said.