Colas give you erectile dysfunction

Colas give you erectile dysfunction
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Men want good erection and they want to enjoy sex. They also want to dominate the ladies in the bed. But they must be beware of aria-ted drinks.

Erectile dysfunction affects a lot of men beyond the age of 40 and stress as well as other disorders are also known to be factors affecting erections in men other than age.

Research found that men have been consuming much more of soft drinks as compared to women and that this might be contributing to erectile dysfunction.

Colas give you erectile dysfunction

The research linked erectile dysfunction to soft drinks by examining the role of sugar in the pathogenesis of the disease.

The study said that soft drinks have detrimental metabolic effects and disorders caused by these drinks can disrupt the entire physiological foundation needed for a healthy erection.

Doctors added that the heavy sugar content in soft drinks may cause diabetes which is known to hinder erections in men.

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