Coffee is good and bad

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Coffee consumption can be both beneficial and detrimental to health depending on the amount consumed and an individual’s tolerance.

Does coffee make you gain weight?” and explain their effects on the human body.

It’s important to note that individual responses to coffee can vary, and some people may not experience weight gain from coffee consumption.

To avoid potential weight gain, consider consuming coffee in moderation and be mindful of the ingredients you add to it. Moreover, moderation may offer some benefits for weight management.

However, it is essential to understand that it is not a substitute for a balanced diet and an active lifestyle. Therefore, to gain its benefits, you must choose healthier coffee options and consider their impact on your overall diet and lifestyle.The caffeine content in coffee can act as an appetite suppressant for some individuals. Drinking coffee can lead to a short-term decrease in hunger and may help control cravings, making it easier to manage food intake.

This is because, through various studies, it has been observed that caffeine affects the levels of the hunger hormone.

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