Coffee good for the heart

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There are various studies which say coffee is good and some others say Tea is best for health. Some say liquor is good and some others say beer is good. But all things in moderation are good.

Anything in excess is bad. Even badam in excess is also bad. Some experts say milk is good and some other say milk is verybad. Heroes like Mahesh babu don’t take milk or Milk products at all.

Consuming more caffeine—found in sources such as coffee, tea, and cocoa—may help improve blood vessel health. What made this study particularly interesting was that it was conducted in patients with lupus, an autoimmune disease that has been tied to an increased riskTrusted Source of stroke, heart attack, and cardiovascular disease.

But what does all the evidence so far say? Can coffee improve heart health, or does too much cause harm?Consuming coffee and caffeine in moderation on a regular basis could help prevent conditions like type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, and stroke.

The amount the researchers found that had the most protective effects was around 200–300 mg daily, or roughly 2-3 cups of coffee.

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