Cockroach for

Cockroach for sex
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Luring women is a big art. But scaring them is some what easy. But getting them for sex is altogether a different ball game. Right from ages and vedas people used different things to lure a woman. Some others used different kinds of ways to see that women knelled before them or have come to be the bed.There are stories where people used drugs, booze, food, flowers, perfumes so on and so forth for winning ladies hearts.

Cockroach for sex

The latest is that a man used cockroaches to get her wife to the bed it is reported . A woman from Indiranagar, Bengaluru, has filed a police complaint against her husband for allegedly using cockroaches to scare her into submission. Sujatha and Avinash Sharma, both techies by profession, have been married for 10 years and have two children.

Avinash began using cockroaches to get Sujatha into bed when she refused to have sex with him after discovering about his extramarital affairs.

Cockroach for sex

Sujatha reportedly has a cockroach phobia which Avinash took advantage of in order to harass her. Moreover he did not even agree to give her a divorce when she asked for one.

The police have referred the couple’s case to the women’s counselling centre where the two are currently undergoing therapy, according to media reports.

The wife wants a divorce, the man wants her and would like to have sex very often. For that the cockroaches are coming in handy for the man.

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