Cock fights on the roof tops

Cock fights on the roof tops
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Cockfights will be organized every year during the Sankranthi season in Andhra region. People from Telangana reach Andhra and participate in the betting. There have been arguments to ban the cockfights so on and so forth, but no one was able to stop or ban this.

The latest is that now, the cockfight culture has spread to Hyderabad. People are betting for cockfights on the rooftops to avoid the police raids.

Andhra migrants are organising the coco fights and people are joining them in a big way. The same is being planned for the festival here in Hyderabad for 3 days. Some of them are arguing that if it is being one in Andhra, why not in Telangana?

Cock fights on the roof tops

Minister Srinivas Yadav regularly goes to Andhra to participate in the fights and bettings.

Now the latest that cocks are being scanned according to the astrology and the bettings are placed.

So the coming week is festival time and betting time in the Telugu states. People from America and Australia also coming in big numbers to join for the Sankranthi Sambaralu it is reported.

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