Even the young people could not keep up the pace with Chief Minister Chandrasekhar Rao at the Yadadri Temple. KCR was thrilled to see that his dream project is taking shape in a big way. The works are almost completed to the extent of 80 per cent. The main construction work is over and the chief Minister was almost running around suggesting them to develop and improve it further.
Even the security personnel had a tough time to provide security to the Chief Minister as he was running around here and there looking at the sculptures boundary wall their height and other things. There was a provision for using vehicles also, but the CM preferred to walk and examine everything here at the hill shrine.
Hours together he has spent time yesterday on the hill shrine and also trekked the ups and downs of the area. He was so enthusiastic and announced that President and PM would come for the inauguration of the Temple. It is a massive launch with thousands of Ruthviks and 133 Vaishnav priests coming from across the world for the event.
Once the Presidential suits are ready and accommodation is ready, the launch programme will be finalised. Sri Sri Tridandi Chinna Jeeyar Swamy will take up the responsibility of the launch program.
People walking around CM and along with CM seemed to be tired, but the CM continued with the Press meet.
KCR requested the Media not to be in a hurry. He suggested them not to report that the project was getting delayed. It is stonework and it will take quite some time. Don’t be in a hurry he suggested the media people.