Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao has reviewed from Delhi the situation arisen out of heavy rains that are lashing the state.The CM spoke to Chief Secretary Sri Somesh Kumar over the phone in this regard and issued the necessary instructions.
The CM instructed the CS that district collectors and the official machinery should be put on high alert and takes all the required measures.The CM wanted the officials concerned should be on alert as tanks, lakes and rivulets are flooding due to the heavy rains in the rural areas and ensure that people there are not put to any inconvenience.Due to the incessant rains, officials should be on high alert about the power, roads and drainage sectors.
All the officials and employees to the lowest level of the Municipal Administration, Panchayat Raj, Roads and Buildings, electricity departments should be asked to be alert.
The CM also wanted that people living in the low-lying areas should not be put to any difficulties and for this irrigation department officials should take all the necessary measures. The officials should also make alternative arrangements and take up rehabilitation measures.
He also wanted the NDRF and Disaster Management teams should be put on standby in the backdrop of the Met department issuing warnings. The CM wanted pubic representatives to stay put in their respective Constituencies and coordinate the measures between the administration and people.
The CM asked people to stay indoors especially those living in the low-lying areas and stay safe.