Chief Minister, K Chandrashekhar Rao on Monday participated in the Green India Challenge (GIC) initiative and planted a sapling on the eve of World Environment Day-WED.
The Chief Minister was accompanied by senior BRS party leader and member of Rajya Sabha, K Keshav Rao, Education Minister, P Sabitha Indra Reddy, Rajya Sabha member, J Santosh Kumar along with other party workers.
Santosh Kumar, who has taken up the cause of promoting the Green India Challenge initiative and took to the social media platform Twitter to thank the Chief Minister.
Earlier Santosh Kumar participated in a rally on the eve of the World Environment day along with MLA Nagendar and others. Later he participated in the launch of works for the construction of BRS central office here at the Kokapet.
Sanotsh was wearing a green shirt to mark the event of the World Environment day today. He is very popular across the world for his initiative called GIC where crores of saplings have been planted to reduce Global warming.
Santosh says that he took the inspiration from KCRs program called Haritha haram where forests have been recreated in the state of Telangana in many areas.