CM KCR on what the Govt is doing for the people

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In all his speeches the CM has been suggesting the people as to what the Government was doing for them. He suggested them not to fall in the trap of the BJP and lose the benefits. Here are the points of his speech.

• State government is providing Aasara pensions to 36 lakh people to support the deprived communities

• 10 lakh new pensions have also been granted.

• The total number of pensioners have been 46 lakh beneficiaries in the state.

• After the formation of Telangana , the state was freed from power cuts.

• Telangana is the lone state in the country which provides 24 hours quality power to all sectors.

• round-the-clock power supply in Hyderabad. Whereas, New Delhi is facing power outages

• Irrigation water facility has been increased and the land cultivation grew.

• Government has created clusters for every 5,000 acres and constructed 2601 Rythu Vedikas .Farmers’ lives are comfort.

• Rapid development is taking places the assembly constituencies around Hyderabad city.

• It required to improve basic amenities in the fast-growing areas.

• Hence, constituency development funds of Rs.5 crore have been given so far in 7 constituencies in the outskirts of the city.

• Government allocated Rs 5 crore each to 7 assembly constituencies under Constituency Development Fund.

• In addition, Rs 10 crore funds will be earmarked to every assembly segment

Today Telangana state has the highest per capita Rs. 2,78,500 in the country

• As promised during the Telangana movement, state government employees are provided the highest salaries in the country

• under Kalyan Lakshmi and Shaadi Mubarak schemes 11 lakh families benefitted so far.

• Pensions are also given to single women, Beedi workers, disabled, Weavers, Toddy tappers Filaria victims.

• Government recently announced pensions to Kidney patients also

• 6 kg rice to each person irrespective of total number of members in every family g

• State Gross Domestic Product (GSDP) increased amazingly

• Collectorate and police buildings have been constructed in 33 districts .

• Telangana stands number one in having the highest number of gurukula schools in the country.

• Under Mission Bhagiratha, potable drinking water is supplied to 100 per cent households

• After the Telangana state registered fast growth, migrations to Bombay and Dubai gone down.

• 25 lakh to 30 lakh people from other states arrived Telangana for work.

• People in the villages should discuss the developments taking place in the country.

• The fruits of freedom will reach every one when people lives united irrespective of caste and religion.

• We should develop the country on the lines of China, Singapore and Korea

• India blessed with immense natural wealth and rivers but the results are not at desirable level.

• The time has come for a qualitative change in the country and people should think in this direction.

• Telangana emerged economically strong because they state owned all resources.

• Except Telangana, no other state in the Country is supplying regular safe drinking water

• Telangana is witnessing development and welfare in the villages and also towns

• Appealed people to discuss about the development in the villages.

• All the people should be united and move forward by contributing the state development.

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