Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao found fault with the BJP leader Kishan Reddy in the Assembly. KCR said that Kishan was speaking whatever he wants in the house without proper knowledge. MGNREGs funds should not come from Delhi KVR opined. The states should be able to deal this he opined.
Kishan must gather minimum knowledge before making allegations in the Assembly KCR suggested. There is no truth in Kishan Reddy’s allegations the CM said.
In the earlier meet also KCR chided at Kishan Reddy saying that he was talking without proper information over the subjects in the house. He suggested him to know the real facts first.
KCR stated that so many changes, GOs have come, parties have changed, but panchayats are stinking with garbage, debris and dirt. About 2 lakh employees are there but nothing is happening for the grama panchayats he said. Earlier collector use to pass things for grama panchayats, but now in future things have to be finalised by Assembly he said. The MLAs will know about the formation of grama panchayats KCR assured.
He remembered SK Dey who was instrumental in creating grama panchayats like Patancheru. It is the first Gramapanchayat of the country he said. The panchayats are politicised he stated. The water problem is solved forever he said. Every village will have its own nursery he declared. He advised the BJP leaders to co-operate in the process of development. Girijans will get to rule the grama panchayats he announced.