Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao will be landing in Delhi today along with some ministers. The Ministers will meet the central Ministers in a delegation and would demand the MSP law for the welfare of the farmers.
KCR expressed his satisfaction that PM Modi has realised his mistake and has withdrawn the farm laws. KCR said that he would meet Prime Minister Modi if he gets an appointment.
KCR demanded compensation of Rs 25 lakh each to the farmers who died during the agitation in Delhi. He has announced an exgratia of Rs 3 lakh for the families of farmers.
KCR will also look into the ongoing works of the TRS party office in Delhi. It was started recently.
When the TRS was planning for a nationwide agitation program, the PM has announced the withdrawal of farm laws.
PM opined that the farmers could not understand the laws properly and they could not do the job properly. If the PM give an appointment, KCR is ready to extend his trip for a day or two in Delhi.