Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar said that there was a need to control drugs and rave parties in Goa. Parrikar said that those who consume drugs can dance till morning, while those who drink alcohol can dance only for two to three hours.
“Without drugs, you can`t dance until morning. With alcohol you can dance at the most two to three hours,” he told the assembly .
The Chief Minister also said that the Goa Police have identified joints in the tourist-frequented regions of the state, where drugs are consumed and promised more action against drug use.
“We have Identified joints where drugs are in use. We are now working on it. They will be blacklisted. Rave parties have to be brought under control. We will take it on a mission mode,” he said.
Parrikar also said that some night parties and hotels where drug consumption is regular are being identified.
“Goa being a worldwide tourist destination, lakhs of tourists i.e. international as well as domestic tourists visit the state every year and are the major target of drug peddlers/dealers.