Citrus fruits are good

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Fresh Lime juice is best for your health in every way for your good health. Oranges area also good and this is the season for Oranges.

Citrus fruits such as lemons, pomegranate (Anar), and grapefruit help you in maintaining your blood pressure levels.

These are a storehouse of essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and other plant compounds that may help in lowering your blood pressure.

Grapefruits are a rich source of vitamin C, pectin fibers, and antioxidants. When you drink grapefruit juice regularly you tend to decrease both your systolic and diastolic blood pressure. (3)

Always include citrus fruit in salads or drink grapefruit juice regularly for a couple of weeks to control your hypertension.

The brilliantly colored, flavorful, and crunchy vegetable is a common kitchen staple. Carrots come brimming with chlorogenic, p-coumaric, and caffeic acids which are known for their vasodilating actions.

Besides, these compounds may help reduce inflammation and lower blood pressure.

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