CM K Chandrasekhar Rao said “We are not targeting the cine industry only. There is no truth of drug culture in the information technology sector.”
Our aim is to close the businesses of drugs, illicit liquor, hookah, gambling, eve-teasing, adulteration, fake products and social disorders,” said KCR.
He said the state government had targeted the drug culture in its initial stages and was working to control it in Hyderabad. “The allegations being circulated that drugs are on the rise in Hyderabad are false.
Telangana state is in the top position in financial growth, development and law and order and the government is concentrating on eliminating social disorders,” he said.
“Our goal is to close all routes for drugs from the entry points into Telangana. Telangana state is not in the list of the heavy drug usage states in the country. Even in the list of cities, Hyderabad does not figure.