The mega combination of Megastar Chiranjeevi and Powerstar Pawan Kalyan is finally happening. As you all know, ‘Kalabandhu’ T Subbarami Reddy announced a film in their combination recently. The latest update about this mega project is the story is now being readied to take it to the sets.
The film will be directed by Trivikram Srinivas. Megastar and Powerstar are thrilled to do this movie together.
After meeting Pawan Kalyan and Trivikram on the sets of their current movie produced by Haarika Haasine Creations, T Subbarami Reddy said: “I am happy to share that the mega combination will soon be hitting the floors. Both Megastar Chiranjeevi garu and Pawan Kalyan garu are now busy with their commitments. Once they finish it off, I will be launching the movie on a grand scale. It is going to be biggest movie of all in Telugu movie industry.”This talk has been going around since last 3 months.