Chiranjeevi the megastar who very excited last night when he met Vijayasahnti after many years. He hugged her and said that they were very close and have done around 20 films.
They were so close and attended each other’s functions when they were in Chennai. Chiranjeevi said that he felt very bad when Vijayashanti condemned him on a political basis.
Chiranjeevi met Vijayashanthi the lady Amitabh at the pre-launch function of Sarileru Neekevvaru along with the hero Mahesh Babu. Chiranjeevi clarified that he never uttered a word against Vijyashaanti even after she criticised him.
Chiranjeevi said he was ready to do films with her again and looked at her with all the admiration. Films breed friendship he said. He was sure that Vijayashanti has done a great job for the movie and it is going to be a super-duper hit.
Vijayashanti said that she has nothing against Chiranjeevi on a personal basis and that it was all political.
He also complimented Mahesh Babu for being pure. The first look of Sarileru was like a double-edged weapon he complimented.