Check what turns you On and Off

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Exciting sex doesn’t end when you take your vows, rather that is when a new chapter in your sexual history begins to take shape.

According to psychotherapist and couples’ sex expert Esther Perel, sex in the early stages of a relationship is often spontaneous, after marriage it becomes more of a ‘creative enterprise,’ but that’s no bad thing, reports the Independent.Instead, one should focus on the positives brought about by being in a stable, committed relationship.

Check what turns you On and Off

She even added that you must give meaning to sex. Rather than hoping spontaneous sex will just happen, you must consider both your marriage and sex life as something that demands focus and attention.

If you know what turns you on and off, you can use that knowledge to shape your sex life and be in control and see the magic take over.

Once you take ownership, you begin to create a valuable connection.

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