Chardham Yatra

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The Government of Uttarakand has implement a system of Compulsory registration for all pilgrims intending to undertake the Chardham Yatra. This measure aims to streamline the pilgrimage process and ensure the safety and convenience of the devotees. In light of this, we request your support and cooperation in disseminating the following instruction to the concerned authorities and the general public in your respective states and union territories .

1 * Compulsory Registration Enforcement : Pilgrims who have not completed the registration process for the chardham Yatra must be advised not to attempt visiting the Dhams. They will be stopped at designated check-point and will not be allowed to proceed further without proper registration.

2 * Adherence to Registration Dates: It is imperative that pilgrims adhere to the specific dates for which they have registered. This will help manage the flow of visitors and maintain order at the Dhams, Ensuring a smoother experiences for all.

3* Responsibility of Tour Operators and Travel Agents: All tour operators and travel agents must ensure that their clients have completed the necessary registration before commencing their journey. This wil prevent any inconvenience or disruption during pilgrimage.

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