Charan is worried

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With Indian 2 directed by Shankar falling its face, Game Changer directed by Shankar for Ram Charan is getting ready for release. But the director and hero are worried if this movie would also have a bearing on the movie.

Indian is a big disaster and the fate of the Game Changer must be seen. There is also a talk that the movie might get postponed as this would not be the right time for the release.

Shankar as such is unable to give hits these days. These are the days of Vanga and Kanagaraj for that matter. The song released for Game Changer did not make much of an impact as such.

Dil Raju is the producer and we have to see how far he would be able to release the movie after Indian -2. This will be an acid test for the director and also hero.

Ramcharan recently had a hit called RRR. Now he will be testing the waters with Game Changer. Dil Raju is the producer for this movie. Many big films have been postponed for December and Game Changer will have some space.

But the people will not tolerate if the content is not good. So let us wish good luck for both Shankar and also Charan for the Game Changer.

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