Chandrababu is a mad dog

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Chandrababu the LOP is shouting like a mad dog in Kumppam Stated Minister Ambait Ram Babu. Addressing the media here Ambati said that the GO1 will not to taken back.

The GO 1 is to save the interest of the people he said. Let Chandrababu hold meetings on a big ground and not on the roads he suggested. There is no use in shouting on the roads and warning the police he said.

The Government is not for the sake of Pawan, Lokesh, and Babu he clarified. Now as per GO anybody of any party must take the police permission to hold the meetings he pointed out.

Chandrababu will not win in Kuppam he stated. Both Babu and his son Lokesh have no shame he opined. How can a party with just 20 seats represent the 5 crore people he questioned?

What about the party with 150 seats he asked. TDP is having all the pipe dreams for the future he opined. It is better for Babu and his party to talk about the power he suggested.

Chandrababu on the other hand is touring the Kuppam with padayatra and meeting people from door to door. His Chaitanya ratham was not returned so far.

He is not getting permission for the meetings in general.

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