Can Revanth Reddy save the Congress party?

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Revanth Reddy is an outsider in Congress according to some leaders in the party. VHanumanthRao the senior leader in the Congress is opposing Revanth as the PCC chief. He calls him a thief.

Jagga Reddy is also opposed but he is ready to work for the party under the direction of the Gandhi family. Komati Reddy brothers are also not happy with Revanth.

Then how can Revanth Revive the party is the big question. Congress as such is under ICU in various states in the country. How will they revive the party is the big question?

Right now the immediate task for Revnath is the election at Huzurabad. The BJP and the TRS are already neck to neck here. But the Congress leaders a local basis are hopeful that they will win the election.

Money also plays a crucial role here in this election. Both the BJP and the TRS can spend funds. But the Congress has no funds at the National and also at the local level.

There is no one to invest for the Congress party here. Uttam Kumar Reddy after trying every method could not make any difference to the party. He lost all the elections.

Now we have to see how far Revanth will take the party forward. Even Jana Reddy who is a local leader and a senior man could not win Nagarjuna Sagar.

All said and done Revanth could give some provocative speech and it would help BJP in the long run. As such the Congress may not get any benefit from the leadership of Revanth.

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