You can make mistakes too…

You can make mistakes too...
You can make mistakes too...
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It’s more or less the same for everyone around and we reassure you that it’s absolutely fine to make these common mistakes. Just don’t go too far and there’ll always time to fix them.

1. Bombing a job interview with all the wrong answers because you were too nervous and tried too hard to sound perfect.

2. Spending weekends doing absolutely nothing productive, when you actually should’ve done laundry, cleaned your space and caught up with friends.

3. Dating the wrong person knowing you’re jumping in a mess and it’ll be really difficult to come out of it.

4. Refusing to accept your mistakes because, well, you’re still not ready to let go of your undue pride and ego.

5. Spending irresponsibly on leisure, especially the grocery money or the money you were supposed to save.


6. Impulsively going on dates you didn’t really want to just because you’re bored while all your other friends are making plans with their partners

7. Taking up the wrong job because you’re too lazy to actually work towards getting the right one, so you grabbed the first opportunity that came your way.

8. Being too invested in social media, stalking people and actually doing things ONLY to get more followers.

9. Quitting a job impulsively over that one ugly fight with your colleague and regretting it massively.

10. Not opening a savings account because you still dread managing finances!

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