Cabbage juice for the liver

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Cabbage is a great vegetable to eat as a curry. With doctors and scientists say that it can be taken as a juice also.
This juice contains an antioxidant which plays a role in cleaning your liver. Yes, we are talking about the so-called fatty liver and it can be cleaned with the cabbage juice.

This juice helps in improving the digestion also. The juice contains things that help in preventing breast cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, prostate and colon cancer also.
  Cabbage juice for the liver
Even if you don’t take the juice, have in curry form or some other form so that you take it which helps in various forms of cancer.

Sulforaphane, found in cabbage, helps in preventing cells from carcinogens.

If you cannot take it directly, add some lemon or ginger so that it tastes good and you can take it with some taste. Overall it is great for the body and liver.

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