It is known that Allu Arjun is going to work with trivikram for an upcoming untitled film. It has been so long that Allu Arjun appeared on the big screens. His last film was “Na Peru Surya”, which did not work at the box office. The film makers of his upcoming film are planning to make an official announcement about the film on his birthday 8th April.
Apart from this Allu Arjun is going to be an important chief guest on April 6th. Tollywood actor Navdeep is going up with the other partner to open a new talent hub named “C space”. This is hub is going to act as a more mediate between the young scriptwriters and production banner of technical teams. Geetha arts is also a partner of this hub. Allu Arjun gave a green signal to attend the function as a chief guest. Fans are awaited to see the photos of the event.
on the other hand, Bunny has recently accepted another film with sukumar.