We do not know if K Chandrasekhar Rao is starting the Bharatiya Rashtra Samithi or not. But there is a talk that he is shifting the base to Delhi with the new office under construction.
Nothing is finalised but there is a talk that he might contest for around two hundred MP seats in the coming elections with the same Car symbol.
BRS will not contest in Andhra Pradesh so that it helps Jagan to come back to power again. He will mostly contest in the states where the BJP is heading the Government.
The MIM will be in alliance with the BRS in the long run. There is a chance that the MIM Chief Owaisi will also tour the Nation along with KCR. But the political analysts are of the opinion that the three-cornered contest will only help BJP to come to power.
The front led by Nitish and the party led by KCR will contest separately in more than a hundred seats and that becomes a three-cornered contest helping in the division of the vote for the benefit of the BJP.
Nitish is wanting a single party against BJP. Things will become clear after Dasara or by the end of this year. KCR not confirming the PM face in the recent PC with Nitish made all the difference.
Both Nitish and KCR are nursing the ambition for the Post of PM they say. People who don’t like KCR say that the new National party will become a BRS for the political future of the Telangana leader.